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Australia, 1852 Adelaide Pound Type II -
There are a couple of gold rarities that I think every gold coin collector should strive to own, and whether you only collect full sovereigns, half sovereigns, or Australia’s proclamation coins, an Adelaide Pound (of either type) should be on your list. The specimen photographed above is one of the nicest Type II Adelaide Pounds that I’ve had in stock for some time, and one of only two that I’ve stocked in Mint State since 2007. This particular example is relatively well-struck, with nearly full rims and a sharp crown, while its lustre is full and fresh. The surfaces are free from noticeable marks, excessive hairlines, or other faults. Overall, it’s a better example of Australia’s first gold coin, and one to put away for the medium term, in my view. Please call +61 421 229 821 or 1800 832 328 to discuss.
Grades PCGS MS62.Product ID: 185228729807